Asset Management & Estates
The Asset Management & Estates sub group group is a well-established and well attended group that meets quarterly and jointly as the ACES Welsh branch- CAPE.
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section
Building Maintenance
CLAW Building Maintenance sub group is a forum of officers from the 22 Local Authorities who exchange information, advice, ideas, solutions and lessons learnt to benefit all members in order to effectively and efficiently control the maintenance resources and activities required to preserve, repair and maintain assets to an acceptable working order. Its aim is to coordinate and avoid duplication of processes, develop common information technology solutions and practices in order to achieve a common building maintenance function.
This function involves:-
Maintenance management helps extend an asset’s useable life by coordinating the resources needed to keep it in operating condition. This includes monitoring an asset’s condition, knowing its performance specifications, applying effective maintenance strategies, and tracking maintenance costs. Based on these factors, a public /private body can determine whether it’s better to repair or replace the asset.
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section
The Design sub group hold organised and coordinated meetings between colleagues in architectural design-related disciplines for Local Authorities in Wales
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section
CLAW Energy Group is made up predominantly of Welsh Local Authority Energy Managers and partner organisations which include: Welsh Government, Re:Fit Cymru, Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES), National Procurement Service (NPS) and Salix Finance who meet up on a quarterly basis. A variety of matters are discussed at the meetings which often includes energy procurement, Welsh Government funding, carbon reporting, energy policy and metering/billing issues to name a few.
All Welsh local Authorities are working closely with Welsh Government Energy Service (WGES) on development of energy schemes, energy saving initiatives, fleet reviews, renewable schemes, as well as regional energy strategies.
One of the most invaluable aspects of CLAW Energy Group meetings is when Local Authorities have the opportunity to update one another on progress with energy and carbon initiatives being undertaken within their authority area. It is an opportunity to share knowledge, ideas, information and expertise and also initiates greater discussion among members.
Following the Welsh Government‘s climate emergency declaration in April 2019, the Energy Group has been a valuable forum for this agenda, with Local Authorities sharing their knowledge and experience to work towards a common ambition of becoming a net zero carbon public sector by 2030.
The group will often invite a speaker from the industry to present their particular energy saving solutions at the end of each meeting. There is also a section for when CLAW members can ask questions of the presenter.
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section
The Housing sub group is newly formed. Nominations for suitable attendees for the group have been submitted by LAs. An inaugural meeting will be confimed before the end of the calendar year and a work programme agreed. Decarbonisation of the housing stock has been suggested as a key point of focus initially
The group has been endorsed by Housing Leadership Cymru and the sub group is likely to inform future HLC work and dialogue with WG.
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section
Mechanical & Electrical
The Mechanical & Electrical sub group has continued with scheduled meetings via the Microsoft Teams Platform.
Ventilation and air filtration systems has been a huge topic and continues to be a huge topic with regard to the COVID Pandemic, there have been many and various recommendations throughout the Pandemic from Government, HSE and professional bodies throughout the Pandemic and it has been down to the M&E Engineers throughout Wales to act on those recommendations. It is widely accepted that good ventilation to help to control the spread of the Covid Virus.
To obtain further information on the group including contacts, minutes, presentations you will need to register to access the members section