WG Education estate decarbonisation: condition survey 

08 - 08 - 2023


We have commissioned Aecom Ltd to provide a baseline assessment of the condition of the education state in Wales. The survey will include all state funded schools and further education colleges. It will enable us to develop a net zero carbon route map for each asset. This will assist local authorities and colleges in the decarbonisation of the education estate across Wales.

For each element that can contribute to decarbonisation the survey will assess:

The results will form a high-level investment grade proposal on how to achieve a phased (elemental), value for money low carbon solution. This will be available on a building-by-building level.

Pilot surveys will be conducted prior to the main surveys in September 2023. They will be approved in consultation with the Consortium of Local Authorities Wales (CLAW).

Full details can be found here 

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